
Symptoms and prevention of head lice

Symptoms and prevention of head lice

The head louse is no longer dangerous for the host, but it is a nuisance. Often intense itching forces those affected to constantly scratch their heads. The reason for this is the head lice’s saliva, which they release into the small wounds they have made so that the blood does not clot so quickly. It provokes a local immune reaction: the body reacts to the foreign saliva with itching and the formation of crimson papules at the sting point.

After the lice have stuck the nits to the hair, it takes 7-9 days for the larvae to hatch. After a further 9-11 days, the larvae are again sexually mature and continue to multiply. Frequent scratching of the head can leave scratch marks that can even bleed so it is advised to visit lice doctors Dallas for treatment. This skin damage can easily become infected, which can lead to an eczema-like rash lice eczema. In addition, bacteria can easily settle on the damaged scalp . This bacterial superinfection can cause the lymph nodes on the head and neck to swell. Because of the itching, those affected often sleep very restlessly.

lice doctors Dallas

Parents whose child is found to be infested with head lice must immediately inform the community facility such as kindergarten, school in which the child is staying. This in turn informs the health department without naming the child and takes measures to prevent the head lice from spreading.

A child with head lice infestation must stay at home as long as it is contagious, that is, as long as there has been no treatment. It is only allowed to visit the community facility again after properly performed initial treatment. The parents must provide proof of treatment. How this proof should look like depends on the community institution. Sometimes a doctor’s certificate is required, in other cases a written or verbal confirmation from the parents about the head lice treatment carried out is sufficient.

In fairness, parents should also inform everyone with whom the child has close contact about the head lice infestation. These

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